Program Details and Fees.
Insurance: Unfortunately, insurances do not cover the level of care that I will be providing, so I do not accept insurance or create superbills.
However, you can still use your insurance to cover lab work and medications. Coverage varies based on your insurance carrier.
Initial Consultation is $200 for 1.5 hour. See below for what this includes.
Monthly Weight Loss Program Fee is $200/month. See below for what this includes.
Consultation --> Weight Loss Program
Initial consultation:
At this visit, you will receive
A thorough review of your medical history and medication history.
A review and interpretation of your lab work.
A body composition analysis conducted with a SECA 554 body composition analyzer device. This non-invasive test will show us your fat and muscle percentages, as well as give us an idea of how body fat is distributed in your body.
A medical physical exam.
A detailed discussion of my findings with you at the end of the exam.
A goal book in which we will write your first goal for the next time I see you.
The fee for this visit is $200 and the length of visit is 60 minutes - 90 minutes. There is NO obligation to continue onto the program after your initial consultation.
The weight loss program:
With membership, you will receive:
1:1 personalized, non-rushed clinic visits with me, your physician, at least once a month.
The option to conduct your visits via telemedicine from the comfort of your own home.
Ongoing medication management, adjustments and monitoring if you are prescribed a medication.
Access to a patient portal in which you can send non-emergency text messages to me directly.
Encouraging messages and accountability check-ins from me on the portal.
Coaching in nutrition, stress and sleep health.
Culinary Medicine sessions conducted in person or via telemedicine. You will learn how to incorporate more home cooking into your meals.
Private educational sessions built into your visits.
Membership fees are $200/month.